Make the Most Out of Your Off-Season!

Having a plan in place is paramount to maximizing your off-season. Just as every player is unique, so should each player’s plan for development! Here’s a few key factors to work into your game plan as you’re mapping it out!   Targeted Areas of Improvement Be critical and assess your deficiencies.   Action Plan Once…

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Playing with Confidence

It’s easy to overlook the value and impact that a player’s confidence has on their performance. Unlike other tangible skills – you can’t see it, touch it, measure it… The positive (or negative) affects your confidence can have on your game is undeniable! Confidence ultimately comes from within, although there’s are a few guidelines that…

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What’s in My Hockey Bag?

Good question! Over the years you would be amazed with some of the stuff we’ve seen smuggled in our athlete’s hockey bags! What should be in my hockey bag? Besides your equipment – the necessities! Here’s my go-to traveling set up: Equipment Bag [A MUST] This is the home of your tape, wax, mouth guard,…

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In Season Hip Mobility

Just because you’re in the heart of your season doesn’t mean your stretching and mobility should be put on the bench. Hopefully, you’re lucky enough to have a team or coach that prioritizes time for pre-practice/game warmups. Regardless if you’re doing a quick warmup with your teammates or on your own, here’s a few simple…

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2020 – YOUR YEAR

We hope everyone has had a great, refreshing holiday break. Friends, family, time off for the holidays – it’s the best! With the break, there’s no better time than NOW to reset, reevaluate, and focus on making your goals a reality heading into the new year! Take a hard look at 2019 – celebrate the…

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The Power of Perspective

So often we let our tunneled focus on goals, achievements, and expectations cloud our perspective of what truly matters. Without a doubt, having goals and an action plan to achieve those goals is critical to long term success. However, never at the cost of losing your perspective. I vividly remember having chapters in my career…

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Trick or Deke – Scary Scoring Secrets!

When one of the most exciting parts of the game presents itself – “the breakaway”, don’t waste this one on one opportunity to light the lamp! Whether you’re watching a game on TV, or a youth practice or game, here’s some next level secrets that will make all the difference! Speed Your attack speed is…

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Maximizing Your Perfect Shot

As a player, you work your tail off to put yourself in a position to get a shot on net. Be sure to make each and every shot count! Here’s a few pro tips that should be racing through your head just before you take that picturesque shot: Use Key Fundamentals Flex. Let the flex…

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Gaining The Mental Edge!

As physical as the game of hockey is, so much more is mental than you’ll ever believe! Resilient, mentally tough athletes (and people) always find a way to succeed! I believe there are 3 different scenarios that will test your mental toughness as a hockey player: Managing uncontrollabes. Your favorite stick broke, the ice sucks,…

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Start the RIGHT Way!

A new season! A fresh start, a clean slate! You only get one first impression – Make the most of it! Start the year off the right way: Define YOUR GOALS o Some short term, easily attainable, others, big picture and months away from achieving. Speak them into existence! Start on FIRE o What better…

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