3 Things that should be in every hockey bag!

Condense the clutter! Hockey bags can quickly turn into storage lockers on wheels. However, there’s a few items that should be a must pack for any hockey bag outside of the usual equipment, jersey, and socks!   Small Accessory Tote This should hold tape, helmet screws and parts, stick handling ball, multi-function tool or scissors.…

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The Right Start!

A new season! A fresh start, a clean slate! You only get one first impression – Make the most of it! Start the year off the right way: Set Goals! Some short term, easily attainable, others, big picture and months away from achieving. Set the Tone! What better time than TODAY! You control your individual…

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Off-Season Goals

Your approach to the off-season is everything for your athlete’s development. Long-term strides of improvement and achieving your goals are ultimately made during the off-season! Here are a few key points of emphasis to work through as you move into your off-season: Develop your game plan Devise a plan of attack in exactly how you’re…

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Living in the moment!

Overlooking the present is something we’re all guilty of from time to time. Of course, we need to be cognizant of future opportunities. Take our word for it; years from now when you reflect on the journey, game records, tryout pressures, and so many other minor stressors won’t even be remembered. You’ll be left with…

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Prerequisites for Success

If you’re working for greatness (which we know you are), challenges are inevitable. Embrace the hard lessons and grow from them, rather than letting them discourage you! Failures & Setbacks A.K.A. “Adversity” Every failed goal is a lesson learned! Understand what you did wrong and grow stronger from each mistake. When living in the moment adversity…

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Instilling Confidence

So often we overlook the true value and impact of confidence. Unlike other tangible skills; you can’t see it, touch it, measure it… However, as an athlete you sure can feel and experience it! It’s unbelievable what confidence can do for your game! Confidence ultimately comes from within, although there’s are a few guidelines that…

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Enjoy The Break!

A wise hockey mind once told me: “There’s no such thing as over training, just under recovery.” Even the most passionate, committed individuals need a break from time to time.   No time is better than the present! Get away from the game, even if only for a week. Make the most out of the…

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How to channel the consistency!

Consistency is KEY! Any player can go out and have a great game from time to time. However, a really special player can do it weekend after weekend throughout a season. Consistent performance will ultimately develop from a few critical foundational points. Preparation Practice habits, off-ice training, nutrition, focus level in the locker room, rest…

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What the “Scouts” are really watching?

The recurring topic of: recruiting, evaluations, and “Scouting” comes up all so often. Understandably, for good reason, as every player aspires to advance to the highest levels they’re capable of. Here’s some helpful insight to gain an understanding as your athlete works toward their dreams: Mite – Bantam Level Players Spoiler alert: There’s no scouts…

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The “Perfect” Coach

Let us save you a lot of stress and time; no such person exists. The real question is “who’s the perfect coach for me?” This of course depends on the scenario, as each and every one of us demand a different, and unique set of needs. However, in your search, if you can feel confident…

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