Become A Student Of The Game!

Often, you’ll hear the phrase “be a student of the game”, but does your athlete truly understand the meaning of this. The impact of living this this idea to its fullest can be profound! No different than our effort and application in the classroom at school the same needs to be done around the sport.…

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Keeping Accountable At Home

Within the current state of slowing down and staying in, we’re finding ourselves with a lot of idle time. Stay accountable and use the off time to your advantage! Lock in on your nutrition and physical activity! Here’s some simple aspects to work into your home training regimen! Speed Agility foot speed ladder Sprinting –…

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Trick or Deke – Scary Scoring Secrets!

When one of the most exciting parts of the game presents itself – “the breakaway”, don’t waste this one on one opportunity to light the lamp! Whether you’re watching a game on TV, or a youth practice or game, here’s some next level secrets that will make all the difference! Speed Your attack speed is…

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Maximizing Your Perfect Shot

As a player, you work your tail off to put yourself in a position to get a shot on net. Be sure to make each and every shot count! Here’s a few pro tips that should be racing through your head just before you take that picturesque shot: Use Key Fundamentals Flex. Let the flex…

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Start the RIGHT Way!

A new season! A fresh start, a clean slate! You only get one first impression – Make the most of it! Start the year off the right way: Define YOUR GOALS o Some short term, easily attainable, others, big picture and months away from achieving. Speak them into existence! Start on FIRE o What better…

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Home Workouts

Just because you’re not on the ice as much as you would be in season doesn’t mean you can’t be putting in the work in other parts of your game! For all of our athletes not yet in a gym consistently or working with performance training specialists here’s some simple key factors to work into…

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How to get out of the “bubble”

Being a “bubble” player… To the many young players living in the bubble, rest assured, you’re not alone. I spent many of my formidable years in this frustrating space – being good, but often times falling short of the end goal. Here’s some key concepts that will help burst that bubble and lead to future…

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Being a Leader

One of the many incredible “life skills” hockey teaches us, is leadership. As we know there’s many types of leadership; from the vocal captain encouraging teammates, to the silent, more reserved player just consistently going about their business in order to help team success. Leaders do not have to be Captains, or the most talented…

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The “Positive” Power of Frustration

Feeling frustrated is inevitable. Throughout your hockey journey the root itself may change from season to season, however, dealing with frustrations and setbacks is one of the unique, challenging keys to team success. As hard as this concept is to fully appreciate, remember frustration means you care – which is a great thing! With frustration…

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Finding the Right Size

Is your athlete growing like a weed! Rest assured you’re not alone! With some prime holiday shopping opportunities right around the corner, here’s some simple, helpful reminders when sizing up replacement equipment. Sticks Once you’ve determined your preferred brand/pattern. Prioritize a stick’s flex. When your athlete leans on it, make sure it bends. When cutting…

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