Prioritize Your Recovery!

Now that we’re deep into the grind of our season’s demands; feeling beaten up, tired, sore, and physically-emotionally drained are all part of the process of your development.  Now more than ever you need to make your recovery a priority! Here’s a few pieces of advice that will pay off huge for your athlete!  …

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Make 2018 YOUR YEAR!!!

There’s no better time than NOW to reset, reevaluate, and develop your plan of attack for 2018. We hope everyone has had a great, refreshing holiday break. Reflecting on the first half of the season, its important to celebrate the positive accomplishments, as well as embrace the constructive criticisms and hard lessons learned thus far.…

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What Stick Is Right For My Athlete

With the Holidays right around the corner we imagine new hockey sticks are being manufactured non-stop at Santa’s workshop… Here’s three easy guidelines when helping fulfill the “new hockey stick” request from your athlete’s wish list:   Flex is key! Arguably the most important factor when selecting a stick. Be sure your athlete is able…

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Maintaining the Positivity!

FACT: Positive thoughts & mindset will produce positive actions and results!   When you’re in a position to complain about anything, you’re also in a position to do something positive about it. And that’s a whole lot more effective than complaining. If you have a good reason to be frustrated, you also have a good…

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3 Tips to $aving BIG on Hockey Equipment

As we make the stretch into the holiday season now is a GREAT time to save big on buying equipment. Another being in the spring as the season comes to a close. Here are a few pointers to be mindful of as you maximize your savings: Look beyond the marketing Spoiler alert: the “new &…

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The Importance of Off-Ice Workouts

In the midst of all of these amazing (and potentially unhealthy) holidays, now is a great time to realign our perspective and evaluate the purpose of our dryland workouts. Off-ice workouts, also known as “dryland workouts” are a very unrated and often, under-appreciated activity. Its has been great to see so many different teams and programs allocate time…

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Nutrition – Have A Healthy Halloween!!!

With one the biggest unhealthy binge-eating holidays in Halloween right around the corner, what better time than now to share some insightful points on a well-balanced diet. It should be no secret a healthy, well-balanced diet is the foundation for not only a healthy lifestyle but equally for optimum sports performance. Here’s a great article…

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The Importance of a Pre-Game Routine

A pre-game routine is a critical form of preparation for practices, workouts, games, and a successful season! Pre-game routines (dynamic warmus) get your body and your mind right for as consistent and successful of a performance as possible. Your athlete’s pre-game routine should be focused around a few simple guiding points: Pre Performance Nutrition We…

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A Fresh Start!

  A new season! A fresh start, a clean slate! You only get one shot at this! Make the most of it! Start the year off the right way: • Set Goals! Some short term, easily attainable, others, big picture and months away from achieving. • Set the Tone! What better time than TODAY! Each…

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Quotes to live by!

As everyone prepares for an awesome off-season ahead we wanted to leave you with a few of the most impactful quotes we’ve learned first hand along our journey in the sport.   “Success will always come from the details and the willingness to do them.” ~Brent Thompson, New York Islanders Asst. Coach   “You’re either…

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