What Stick Is Right For My Athlete

With the Holidays right around the corner we imagine new hockey sticks are being manufactured non-stop at Santa’s workshop… Here’s three easy guidelines when helping fulfill the “new hockey stick” request from your athlete’s wish list:   Flex is key! Arguably the most important factor when selecting a stick. Be sure your athlete is able…

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Maintaining the Positivity!

FACT: Positive thoughts & mindset will produce positive actions and results!   When you’re in a position to complain about anything, you’re also in a position to do something positive about it. And that’s a whole lot more effective than complaining. If you have a good reason to be frustrated, you also have a good…

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3 Tips to $aving BIG on Hockey Equipment

As we make the stretch into the holiday season now is a GREAT time to save big on buying equipment. Another being in the spring as the season comes to a close. Here are a few pointers to be mindful of as you maximize your savings: Look beyond the marketing Spoiler alert: the “new &…

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The Importance of Off-Ice Workouts

In the midst of all of these amazing (and potentially unhealthy) holidays, now is a great time to realign our perspective and evaluate the purpose of our dryland workouts. Off-ice workouts, also known as “dryland workouts” are a very unrated and often, under-appreciated activity. Its has been great to see so many different teams and programs allocate time…

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Nutrition – Have A Healthy Halloween!!!

With one the biggest unhealthy binge-eating holidays in Halloween right around the corner, what better time than now to share some insightful points on a well-balanced diet. It should be no secret a healthy, well-balanced diet is the foundation for not only a healthy lifestyle but equally for optimum sports performance. Here’s a great article…

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The Importance of a Pre-Game Routine

A pre-game routine is a critical form of preparation for practices, workouts, games, and a successful season! Pre-game routines (dynamic warmus) get your body and your mind right for as consistent and successful of a performance as possible. Your athlete’s pre-game routine should be focused around a few simple guiding points: Pre Performance Nutrition We…

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