Enjoy The Break!

A wise hockey mind once told me: “There’s no such thing as over training, just under recovery.” Even the most passionate, committed individuals need a break from time to time.   No time is better than the present! Get away from the game, even if only for a week. Make the most out of the…

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How to channel the consistency!

Consistency is KEY! Any player can go out and have a great game from time to time. However, a really special player can do it weekend after weekend throughout a season. Consistent performance will ultimately develop from a few critical foundational points. Preparation Practice habits, off-ice training, nutrition, focus level in the locker room, rest…

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The Recipe for SUCCESS

There are a lot of roads to ultimately find success in what we do. However, after a career of ups and downs, successes and failures I feel confident that the recipe for success hinges on a few of these main factors: Attitude Our attitude determines our altitude in life! The power of a positive mindset…

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