How to be a great hockey parent

The start of a new season provides athletes and their families a great opportunity to make it a year to remember! Here’s a few tips for parents to make sure they stay their athlete’s #1 Fan! ​ Emphasize Learning Do all that you can to learn with them; reading books about hockey, watching educational videos…

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Working Through a Quarantine

Embracing the uncertainty, and adapting as we go has been the theme of 2020! Unfortunately, it has become a regular experience for athletes to go through a quarantine period due to the current situation of the pandemic. All we can do is control the controllable when it comes to taking some time off. Own the…

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The Importance of Being an Athlete

We can all agree that hockey is by far the best sport in the world, there is no doubt about it. While hockey is the best sport in the world, there are plenty of other sports and activities which can help us improve at the best sport in the world! It is important to remember…

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