Instilling Confidence

So often we overlook the true value and impact of confidence. Unlike other tangible skills; you can’t see it, touch it, measure it… However, as an athlete you sure can feel and experience it! It’s unbelievable what confidence can do for your game! Confidence ultimately comes from within, although there’s are a few guidelines that…

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Enjoy The Break!

A wise hockey mind once told me: “There’s no such thing as over training, just under recovery.” Even the most passionate, committed individuals need a break from time to time.   No time is better than the present! Get away from the game, even if only for a week. Make the most out of the…

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What the “Scouts” are really watching?

The recurring topic of: recruiting, evaluations, and “Scouting” comes up all so often. Understandably, for good reason, as every player aspires to advance to the highest levels they’re capable of. Here’s some helpful insight to gain an understanding as your athlete works toward their dreams: Mite – Bantam Level Players Spoiler alert: There’s no scouts…

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The “Perfect” Coach

Let us save you a lot of stress and time; no such person exists. The real question is “who’s the perfect coach for me?” This of course depends on the scenario, as each and every one of us demand a different, and unique set of needs. However, in your search, if you can feel confident…

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How To Make Your Athlete More COACHABLE!!!

Coachability – An athlete’s willingness and ability learn, and apply taught skills and concepts. Coachability is arguably the single most important intangible skill any athlete can possess. Kids who are students of the game, and sponges absorbing every constructive criticism will always find success. Remember, the foundation of coach ability is, and will always be…

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