Reflecting on the Journey

After nearly 30 years of being involved in the sport in every capacity I’m a firm believer that reflecting in a few key areas has brought some of the greatest rewards!   Living in the moment  Ride the highs and never let the lows bring you down! Celebrate the positive, filter the negative, and grow…

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Home Workouts

Just because you’re not on the ice as much as you would be in season doesn’t mean you can’t be putting in the work in other parts of your game! For all of our athletes not yet in a gym consistently or working with performance training specialists here’s some simple key factors to work into…

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The Importance of GRIT

Often times you’ll hear the word “grit” get thrown around. It can vary in meaning based on the circumstances. But, what does it really mean? I like to think of it as:   GRIT Made up of hustle, passion, and perseverance.   Grit encompasses a player’s ability to “find a way”. Grit can be physical, just…

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Being a Swiss Army Knife!

Being a Swiss Army Knife – The ultimate compliment!Simply, this is a player’s ability to carry and excel at many skills. Sure, being very good at specific traits helps catch an early eye… However, the players that stand the test of time in their careers and ultimately “make it”,are the ones who have the capacity…

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Getting in the “Zone”!

The “ZONE” also known as finding your rhythm or playing your “A” game. When you’re able to channel this mental edge and mindset you’re capable of taking your game to great heights! Here’s a few simple tips that will get you to the zone and help you to consistently elevate you game play! Pre-Game Mental…

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How to channel the consistency!

Consistency is KEY! Any player can go out and have a great game from time to time. However, a really special player can do it weekend after weekend throughout a season. Consistent performance will ultimately develop from a few critical foundational points. Preparation Practice habits, off-ice training, nutrition, focus level in the locker room, rest…

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