Become A Student Of The Game!

Often, you’ll hear the phrase “be a student of the game”, but does your athlete truly understand the meaning of this. The impact of living this this idea to its fullest can be profound! No different than our effort and application in the classroom at school the same needs to be done around the sport.…

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When it comes to skating development, we get one recurring themed question above the rest. “Can you help my child get faster?” That answer is always YES! Here’s an awesome at home off-season training exercises to build that speed! Speed Training at home Making your speed and lower body strength training a priority is a…

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Finish The Year Up Strong

We’re down to the wire! Whether your team is in position to take home a championship or you’re seeing the season end in sight – There’s no better time than this moment to finish the season off the right way! Prioritize what matters most right now: Your contributions to your team Focus on your controllables…

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Sharpening Your Mental Skills

As athletes, it is important to remember to not only take care of the body but to also take care of the mind! Maintaining a healthy mindset can help propel your athlete’s development to a whole new level! Here are a few awesome tips to maintain a healthy mindset through the year: ​ Choose and…

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2020 – YOUR YEAR

We hope everyone has had a great, refreshing holiday break. Friends, family, time off for the holidays – it’s the best! With the break, there’s no better time than NOW to reset, reevaluate, and focus on making your goals a reality heading into the new year! Take a hard look at 2019 – celebrate the…

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The Power of Perspective

So often we let our tunneled focus on goals, achievements, and expectations cloud our perspective of what truly matters. Without a doubt, having goals and an action plan to achieve those goals is critical to long term success. However, never at the cost of losing your perspective. I vividly remember having chapters in my career…

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Maximizing Your Perfect Shot

As a player, you work your tail off to put yourself in a position to get a shot on net. Be sure to make each and every shot count! Here’s a few pro tips that should be racing through your head just before you take that picturesque shot: Use Key Fundamentals Flex. Let the flex…

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Gaining The Mental Edge!

As physical as the game of hockey is, so much more is mental than you’ll ever believe! Resilient, mentally tough athletes (and people) always find a way to succeed! I believe there are 3 different scenarios that will test your mental toughness as a hockey player: Managing uncontrollabes. Your favorite stick broke, the ice sucks,…

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Reflecting on the Journey

After nearly 30 years of being involved in the sport in every capacity I’m a firm believer that reflecting in a few key areas has brought some of the greatest rewards!   Living in the moment  Ride the highs and never let the lows bring you down! Celebrate the positive, filter the negative, and grow…

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Home Workouts

Just because you’re not on the ice as much as you would be in season doesn’t mean you can’t be putting in the work in other parts of your game! For all of our athletes not yet in a gym consistently or working with performance training specialists here’s some simple key factors to work into…

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