Start the RIGHT Way!

A new season! A fresh start, a clean slate! You only get one first impression – Make the most of it! Start the year off the right way: Define YOUR GOALS o Some short term, easily attainable, others, big picture and months away from achieving. Speak them into existence! Start on FIRE o What better…

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Being a Swiss Army Knife!

Being a Swiss Army Knife – The ultimate compliment!Simply, this is a player’s ability to carry and excel at many skills. Sure, being very good at specific traits helps catch an early eye… However, the players that stand the test of time in their careers and ultimately “make it”,are the ones who have the capacity…

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Off-Season Goals

Your approach to the off-season is everything for your athlete’s development. Long-term strides of improvement and achieving your goals are ultimately made during the off-season! Here are a few key points of emphasis to work through as you move into your off-season: Develop your game plan Devise a plan of attack in exactly how you’re…

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How to channel the consistency!

Consistency is KEY! Any player can go out and have a great game from time to time. However, a really special player can do it weekend after weekend throughout a season. Consistent performance will ultimately develop from a few critical foundational points. Preparation Practice habits, off-ice training, nutrition, focus level in the locker room, rest…

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