The Importance of GRIT

Often times you’ll hear the word “grit” get thrown around. It can vary in meaning based on the circumstances. But, what does it really mean? I like to think of it as:   GRIT Made up of hustle, passion, and perseverance.   Grit encompasses a player’s ability to “find a way”. Grit can be physical, just…

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Setting Goals

There’s no better time than the present to sit down and write down your off-season goals. As we move into the spring, what a perfect time to constructively criticize your game and create plan of attack on how you’re going to improve and take your game to the next level! Visualize your goals into existence. Start…

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Being a Swiss Army Knife!

Being a Swiss Army Knife – The ultimate compliment!Simply, this is a player’s ability to carry and excel at many skills. Sure, being very good at specific traits helps catch an early eye… However, the players that stand the test of time in their careers and ultimately “make it”,are the ones who have the capacity…

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Enjoy the Ride

One of the greatest tip’s I wish I could go back and tell my younger self: Enjoy the ride! Hard to believe we’re rounding out the final month of the season. Rest assured the upcoming tryouts, (all that go into those; good and bad) and future opportunities are on their way… But, before you punch the…

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Hockey gear doesn’t have to STINK!

Let’s face it… Hockey gear can flat out stink! I used to love the negative comments made by friends and family about my hockey aroma. I would always respond with a simple, “that’s the smell of hard work and commitment, You’re Welcome!” Here’s some great tips that will go a long way in preventing long…

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Being a Leader

One of the many incredible “life skills” hockey teaches us, is leadership. As we know there’s many types of leadership; from the vocal captain encouraging teammates, to the silent, more reserved player just consistently going about their business in order to help team success. Leaders do not have to be Captains, or the most talented…

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How to be your athlete’s #1 Fan!

Fall is in the air – leaves are changing, the days are cooler, the mornings are darker. All of which means one thing… Hockey season is HERE! As we embark on the 2018-19 season here’s some great tips on being your athlete’s #1 Fan! Positive Support Your athlete NEEDS constructive, positive support and suggestions. NOT,…

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Getting in the “Zone”!

The “ZONE” also known as finding your rhythm or playing your “A” game. When you’re able to channel this mental edge and mindset you’re capable of taking your game to great heights! Here’s a few simple tips that will get you to the zone and help you to consistently elevate you game play! Pre-Game Mental…

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Off-Season Goals

Your approach to the off-season is everything for your athlete’s development. Long-term strides of improvement and achieving your goals are ultimately made during the off-season! Here are a few key points of emphasis to work through as you move into your off-season: Develop your game plan Devise a plan of attack in exactly how you’re…

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Living in the moment!

Overlooking the present is something we’re all guilty of from time to time. Of course, we need to be cognizant of future opportunities. Take our word for it; years from now when you reflect on the journey, game records, tryout pressures, and so many other minor stressors won’t even be remembered. You’ll be left with…

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